Panin Dana Unggulan

About Panin Dana Unggulan

8,555.26 as of 16 Jan 2025
Type of Mutual Fund
Balance Fund
Product Risk
Min. Subscription
IDR 100,000.00

More Information

Type of Mutual Fund
Balance Mutual Fund

Investment Manager
PT Panin Asset Management

Custodian Bank
PT Bank Central Asia Tbk

Launch Date
13 June 2005

Investment Policy
Equity Instrument : 2% - 75%
Debt Instrument : 20% - 75%
The rest is in money market instruments

Minimum Transaction
IDR 100.000

Product Performance (as of October 2024)

YTD1Y3Y5YSince Inception
-4 %0.69 %4.87 %16.07 %786.32 %

Transaction Fee

Transaction TypeTransaction Fee
Subscription< 50 Millions = 2%
≥ 50 Millions - < 100 Millions = 1.75%
≥ 100 MIllions - < 250 MIllions = 1.5%
≥ 250 Millions - < 500 Millions = 1.25%
≥ 500 Millions - < 1 Billions = 1%
≥ 1 Billions = 0.5%
Redemption≤ 6 Months = 0%
> 6 Months = 0%
≤ 1 Year = 1%
> 1 Year = 0%
SwitchingSwitching Fees = 1%

Product Literature

Fund Fact Sheet

PaninBank as Mutual Funds Selling Agent. Mutual Funds are capital market products and are not PaninBank products, so they are not guaranteed by PaninBank and are not included in the scope of the Government's guarantee program or savings guarantee program.

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