The Anti-Fraud Declaration is a clear and precise statement of management's attitude towards fraudulent activity. In the Anti-Fraud Declaration, Bank Panin stated its commitment "Zero Tolerance to Fraud" to conduct business in accordance with the code of ethics and high legal standards as well as not to commit fraud and other inappropriate actions.
The preparation stage of GCG implementation starts from awareness through various socialization at all levels, one of which is customer awareness which is an education carried out by the Bank to customers. Education in the form of taglines on banners in branches and on ATM screens.
- Do not deposit or leave your money or banking documents (such as savings books, bilyet deposits, checkbooks and checking books, signed transcation slips, and ATM/Debit Cards) to anyone (including Bank employees outside the official Bank counter).
- Do not sign blank forms or documents.
- Do not disclose your PIN to anyone (including Bank employees).
- Move the way of transaction to Internet banking that uses tokens, which is obviously more secure.
- Try to transact at atm in bank branches.
- Change your PIN regularly (e.g. once every 2-3 months).
- Always be vigilant when transacting at ATMs to pay attention to whether there are skimmers or other eavesdroppers.
- Always keep the PIN number confidential.
Anti-Laundering and The Principle of Knowing Customers
The implementation of Anti-Money Laundering and The Principle of Knowing Customers at PT Bank Panin Tbk has been running since Bank Indonesia Regulation No. 3/10/PBI/2001 on the Principle of Knowing Customers was enacted in 2001.
The implementation of Anti-Money Laundering and The Principle of Knowing Customers conducted by PT Bank Panin Tbk refers to the provisions of Law No. 15 of 2002 on Money Laundering Crimes as amended by Law No. 25 of 2003 (TPPU Law), Bank Indonesia Regulation No. 11/28/PBI/2009 regarding the Implementation of Anti-Money Laundering and Prevention of Terrorism Financing Program for Commercial Banks and their changes and decisions of the Head of Transaction Reporting and Analysis Center Finance (PPATK).
Supervision of implementation
The implementation of Anti-Money Laundering and The Principle of Knowing Customers at PT Bank Panin Tbk has been running since Bank Indonesia Regulation No. 3/10/PBI/2001 on the Principle of Knowing Customers was enacted in 2001.