GCG Guidelines
GCG Guidelines

"PaninBank realize the need to implement the principles of Good Corporate Governance (GCG) in every level of organization and aspects of managing PaninBank's business activities in accordance with applicable laws and regulations, as well as generally accepted practice standards in the banking industry. By prioritizing the implementation of Good Governance, PaninBank is expected to avoid the negative impact of the global economic crisis, increase the Company's efficiency, trust and confidence of all stakeholders."

Purpose of GCG

"Good Corporate Governance (GCG) is the principles applied by the company to maximize company value, improve company performance and contribution, also maintain the company's sustainability in the long term. The principles of Integrated Governance and Principles of Governance of PaninBank which become a guide and practical reference in the implementation of the principles of good corporate governance in every activity and level of organization at PaninBank and subsidiary companies.

Guidelines and Working Order

"Governance policy is a set of rules in implementing Good Corporate Governance (GCG) at PaninBank. The policy regulates the relationship between organs so that there is a clear division of duties, responsibilities, and authorities in accordance with applicable laws and regulations, GCG principles, and sound business ethics."