Indonesia Reforest program is run as a form of environmental concern especially in Indonesia one of which was manifested in support of planting 1 billion trees. Indonesia Reforest program has been run simultaneously in all branches in Indonesia where Green Officers have been appointed to collaborate with relevant authorities participating in the greening activities.
These Green Officers were given training around the issues of global warming, on why we need reforestation, and how to invite people to join this program. In addition, they were taught how to raise seedling in their branches that will expectedly attract the locals who want to plant their own sengon or rain trees in their neighborhood.
PaninBank was awarded the Best Environmental Initiative from Asian Banking & Finance for this activity. This program has been continued and can be observed in, inviting people to become Green Partners.
A CSR program on national reforestation coordinated by PaninBank
Global warning is an increase in average temperature of our atmostphere, seas and lands since the mid 20th century. In its report in 2007, the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) stated that the temperature of the earth surface increased by 0.18ºC to 0.74ºC during the 20th century. It is mainly due to higher concentration of glasshouse gas as a result of human activities e.g., use of fossil fuels and forest logging
Based on climate projection issued by IPCC, temperature of the earth surface will increase 1.1°C to 6.4°C in the 21st century. Such increase will raise sea level and result in higher rainfalls, which may affect desserts in sub-tropical areas
The North Pole is predicted to experience the highest temperature increase that will decrease glaciers and melt glazes in lands as well as seas. This condition may also result in higher intensity of rains, extinction of various types of animals and harm harvests in several regions. Impacts of global warming are not always the same in many parts of the world although the world’s experts cannot confirm it yet
Main causes for forest degradation in Indonesia are illegal logging, land conversion, and excessive granting of the right to use forest (HPH) to industries and transmigration program.
About 10% of the world’s tropical forests are situated in Indonesia, and it is where many endemic and endangered species of flora and fauna live. Since 1950, forests in this country continued reducing i.e., from 162 million hectares to only 95 million hectares in 2005. The largest forest area is in Irian Jaya with 32 million hectare, followed by Kalimantan with 28 million hectares.
Forest degradation rate became uncontrolled since former President Soeharto stepped down in 1998. From 2000 to 2005, this country lost about 1.8 million hectares per year.
Based on the result of a research conducted by Dr. Ir. H. Endes N. Dahlan, a lecturer at Forestry Faculty of the Bogor Agriculture Institute (IPB), Rain Tree or forest trees are deemed effective to reduce the effects of carbon emission as they are able to absorb 28 tons of carbon gas per year.
Albiziasaman species that originally comes from South America may grow as high as 20 meters, and is able to absorb water in a large volume. Rain tree has a big dark trunk with redish-yellowish flowers and is categorized into a bean plant.
This type of tree is usually planted as a shade tree by road sides, large house yards, and Timber Collection Site (TPK) owned by the State Forestry Enterprise (Perum Perhutani). Rain Tree is able to absorb water optimally, its timber may be used as building materials, its seeds can be consumed as snacks and its cooked seed water may be consumed as a medicine.
Reforest Indonesia supported by PaninBank is a national tree planting program aiming at creating a better living environment and reducing emission of glasshouse gas in Indonesia.
- To support the "One Billion Trees" program launched by the Indonesian President, PaninBank invites every citizen in Indonesia to plant Rain Tree or Indonesian original trees such as Saman (Samanea saman) dan Sengon (Paraserianthes falcataria) trees.
- In this case, PaninBank provides up to 500 million Rain Tree and Sengon seeds to be donated to partners and training for green officers who will help people to plant trees.
- According to the World Bank’s report in 2007, Indonesia is the world’s third largest producer of glasshouse gas due to forest logging and degradation of peatlands. This tree planting activity throughout the country is expected to help absorbing more CO2 and resolve negative impacts of global warming.
- This Program is designed because forests play an important role in human’s life i.e., as a source of income, medicines etc.
- Global warming is a result of human’s activities, which directly and indirectly increase gas emission, and eventually increase the earth’s temperature.
To reduce CO2 and save this planet, we need to plant trees, as what being performed by Panin through its Reforest Indonesia program.
Please register yourself at the nearest PaninBank branch office or click JOIN NOW to save this earth.
PaninBank collaborates with several partners in seeding and planting Rain Tree/Sengon trees.
The University of Indonesia
This collaboration was signed by PaninBank’s Vice President Director, Roosniati Salihin, and PaninBank’s Retail Banking Director, Ken Ng, with the University of Indonesia’s Rector, Prof. Dr. Gumilar Rusliwa Somantri, on March 3, 2011 at Balai Kirti, Gedung Rektorat UI, Kampus Depok. This program is aimed at creating a greener Indonesia and resolve climate change due to carbon emission by increasing carbon absorption by trees.
Lions Clubs Indonesia
PaninBank collaborates with Lions Clubs Indonesia in conserving the environment through Reforest Indonesia program. This collaboration was signed by LCI’s Chairman of the Board of Governors, Charlie Soehartono, and the Bank’s Vice President Director, Roosniati Salihin, at LCI office on March 26, 2011.
Other parties who have become Green Partners of the Reforest Indonesia are:
- Real Estat Indonesia (REI) – Indonesia
- Aston Natsepa Ambon Resort & Conference Center - Ambon
- Satuan TNI AU Lanud Sultan Iskandar Muda – Banda Aceh
- Sekolah Fajar Hidayah – Banda Aceh
- Badan Pengelolaan Lingkungan Hidup Daerah – Lampung
- Asshafa Islamic School - Bogor
- Perumahan Tera Grya – Bogor
- PT. Marga Sarana Jabar – Bogor
- PT. Mustika Ratu – Bogor
- Sekolah Bogor Raya – Bogor
- Yeh Brother – Bogor
- Perumahan Taman Cipto – Cirebon
- PT. Cipta Patra Oli – Jambi
- Developer Cibubur – Jakarta
- Narada School – Jakarta
- CV. Cahaya Rezeki – Medan
- Green Teacher Indonesia – Medan
- J. City – Medan
- Lembaga Pemuda Pemerhati Lingkungan Sumatera - Medan
- Mapala Unimed – Medan
- Perumahan Green Mediterania – Medan
- Perumahan Mutiara Residence – Medan
- PT. Arina Multi Karya – Medan
- PT. Furnilux Furniture – Medan
- PT. Gemilang Indah Sentosa – Medan
- PT. Kurnia Sampali Asri – Medan
- RS. Putri Hijau Kesdam – Medan
- Yayasan Budha Tzu Chi – Medan
- Bosowa Foundation - Makasar
- Bukit Baruga - Makasar
- Tribun Timur - Makasar
- PT.GMTD,Tbk, - Makasar
- PT.Sinar Galesong Pratama - Makasar
- Pemkot Makassar
- Pemprov Sulawesi Selatan - Makasar
- Pemkab Sidrap - Makasar
- Kodam VII - Makasar
- BRIGIF III Kostrad Kariango - Makasar
- PT. Kawasan Industri Makassar - Makasar
- PT Boga Marine - Makasar
- Lions Clubs - Makassar
- Rotary Club - Makassar
- LSM Lingkungan Hidup - Makasar
- Wanua Sulsel - Makasar
- Pemkot Ternate Maluku Utara - Makasar
- Pemkab Kolaka Sulawesi Tenggara - Makasar
- Kelompok Tani Sakato Jaya Air Serumpun – Padang
- SD Kartika 1-10 – Padang
- Universitas Bung Hatta – Padang
- Yayasan Prayoga Padang – Padang
- Bupati Lahat Sumatera Selatan – Palembang
- Dinas Kehutanan Lahat Sumatera Selatan – Palembang
- LSM Buan Kalpataru Martapura Sumatera Selatan – Palembang
- LSM Rumah Kayu – Palembang
- Makin Group – Palembang
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